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Antique Beach Bungalow Houses Power Requirement Electrical Project

In order to meet the 112.83kW power demanded for the buildings located in Çanakkale Province, Ayvacık District, Nusratlı Village, Block 105, Parcel 2, at the LV level, HV/LV grid project, which will be made by us in accordance with Article 21 of Electricity Market Connection and System Usage Regulation and covers construction of a new transformer in the region and LV grid installation work, was prepared.

For Antique Bungalow Beach Houses, 34.5 / 0.4-0.231 kV. 250 kVA new pole type transformer was installed. Transformer HV feed, as stated in the energy permit document dated 08.08.2019 and numbered 24635 of Uludağ Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş., Çanakkale Customer Services Engineering, the 13 LV poles from the Nusratlı Sahil TR-1 transformer were removed and replaced with 3x(1/0)+3×70/16+95AER joint pole line with conductors and the energy supply was provided.